Application Process
Membership Application is available on-line at From that date you will receive a copy of the Canterbury Branch newsletter, “The Hub” (on-line version) and a copy of the club’s national magazine “Beaded Wheels” which is published every second month.
Membership Fees
The cost for new membership for a full year is $130.00 including GST. Personalised name badges are available although not included in the joining fees can be purchased at the monthly “Noggin and Natter” for $12.00 each (from the bar or Secretary). (Joining with a joint membership is $120.00 including GST.) However, as the club’s financial year ends on October 31st, the costs of joining and subscription reduce on a three monthly basis throughout the year to compensate for the shorter subscription period. A joint member must be the partner of the member and/or a dependent child up to age 21 years inclusive who is resident at the same address as the member. Joint membership is $150.00.
Club membership will bring you into contact with fellow vehicle and motorcycle enthusiasts. If you’re looking for information to help with your restoration project, keen to start rallying or historic racing, or are interested in supporting advocacy for the rights of road users then join your local branch and start enjoying the fun.
Membership Benefits
Members and joint members enjoy the same rights including voting rights but receive only one copy of each edition of the Branch newsletter (on-line version) and “Beaded Wheels”. If you currently have a club eligible vehicle, you are welcome to become involved in other ways, such as marshalling at rallies. This is an excellent way of meeting other members. The branch has a library with an extensive range of books and magazines and there is a large parts compound which carries a great range of used as well as some new parts for sale.
Several sub-groups within the branch cater for the various different types of vehicles such as motorcycles and commercial vehicles.
Membership benefits include:
Regular local and national rallies, swapmeets and club nights.
Access to parts and expertise from other members and branch spares departments and libraries
Annual subscription to 'The Hub', our Branch club electronic newsletter, published monthly. (On-line version)
Annual subscription to Beaded Wheels, our National club magazine, published six times a year.
Access to Vero club insurance scheme. Click for more information.
Bluebridge Ferry discount.
Interislander discount.
Accommodation discounts with our partner organisations
The Library
The library is a significant part of the Canterbury Branch activities, being used each month by more and more members. New books are purchased from time to time and we subscribe to several magazines. During the year we have received many donations: pictures, and books and magazines, all of which help to provide a more diverse range of material for all sections of the library. All donations are very greatly appreciated.
There are sections on Veteran, Vintage, Post Vintage, Post War Vintage, Post 1960s and Commercial vehicles; a much enlarged section on Motorcycles; a comprehensive section on technical topics; a section for sports and racing cars; and a large number of general books. We also have a large range of manuals. All books are catalogued for members’ reference.
Members come to look for information on vehicles being restored, some for a quiet browse, while others just come for a chat with other members. The magazines are always a very popular spot for some. The photocopier is usually very busy all evening and provides a useful service for members.
Donations of books and magazines which would be of interest to members are always very welcome - contact: Ted (ph. 323-7183).
Spare Parts Shed
Millions of car and motorcycle parts. Friendly staff who will help and show you where parts are. We are here to make sure you get the right part for your restoration.
Opening hours during Swap Meet we will be from 8am to 5pm Friday Saturday and Sunday.
Other times – every Wednesday 12.30 – 5pm. And every 3rd and 4th Sunday 9am - 12 noon.
Open first Thursday of the month on Noggin Night from 7pm.
Our range of stock is extensive, ranging from screws to complete vehicles, even trucks and vans.
Thank to the many stall holders, commercial houses, automotive firms, members and non-members alike who over the years have made generous donations of spares. Your donation may be the very part that someone else would much appreciate. So, THANK YOU one and all. If you know of a garage waiting for someone to empty it of car parts then please contact someone from the Parts shed.
Where are we? We are housed near the trees on the southern boundary in the large corrugated building down past the administration hall and the big curved tunnel barn.